Welcome to the Green Pedometer

Can a hopelessly out-of-shape grandmother find fitness? This is the big question. My marathon running daughter keeps trying to encourage me. Her latest gifts to me include a running shirt and a green pedometer. Will I be ready to walk a 5K in less than 2 months? Stay tuned and find out.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to me. :-)   I have wanted to start a blog since my daughter and I went to a writer's conference months ago.   So as a present to myself, I have decided to embrace the discipline of daily writing, by giving birth to a blog on Mother's Day.

What better way to kick off my new blog than to reflect on my years of motherhood....35 years and counting.  

As a young college student, I dreamed of writing a best-seller one day, or winning a Pulitzer for journalism.   I dreamed about having an impact on the world somehow.....leaving an indelible legacy which time could not erase.

And then I had a baby.   A tiny little waif of a girl with big brown eyes that made my heart melt.   Suddenly, my only dream was to be the mother of my husband's children.   To create little people with the man I loved.   This was my mission in life.    

And mother I did.  Seven years later, the baby girl was joined by a little brother.   And much, much later, another baby swelled our quiver to three.   I was happy.   So, so happy.    Stay-at-home-mom was the best job on the planet.   I changed diapers, sat up all night nursing sick babies, kissed boo-boo's, warmed the bleachers at countless Little League and basketball games and horse shows, spent hours in Mom's taxi, and cherished every moment.  I believe that I have read the Nursery Rhyme and Fairy Tales volumes of Childcraft more than any other mother in history. I made lots of Halloween costumes  and even a wedding dress. I homeschooled a child through high school and realized success as he is about to graduate from college.  And I have known more joy than I ever imagined I could experience.

But I never wrote that novel or won the Pulitzer.   And I used to think that I had never done anything that would have an impact on the world.

Then I became a grandmother.   I have watched my daughter making a hilarious game out of running the vacuum cleaner with a 4 year old and twin toddlers.   I have seen my youngest grandson run to the comforting arms of my son, his daddy, when he bumped his head on a table.  I have watched my children enjoy and nurture their children.   And I realized, THIS is my legacy.    The skills to be a good parent are not at all random.   They are learned.   My children learned how to love children from their father and me.

I have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Cat on your new writing adventure! You are absolutely spot on too regarding one's personal legacy.

    Look forward to following your writings...
