Welcome to the Green Pedometer

Can a hopelessly out-of-shape grandmother find fitness? This is the big question. My marathon running daughter keeps trying to encourage me. Her latest gifts to me include a running shirt and a green pedometer. Will I be ready to walk a 5K in less than 2 months? Stay tuned and find out.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The green pedometer is broken

Okay, so I dropped the pedometer and broke it.  So my life has been a series of  coping events since last August.  I have begun to realize that the people who depend on me right now need for me to be healthy.  So I am on a quest to find the time to exercise every day, to eat properly all the time, and to continue to fuel my faith and my spirit with daily Bible study and prayer.
How about you, reader.  What are your best tips for reaching optimum levels in every area of your life?  How do you set your goals, launch a plan, stay on track?
I am the Queen of  Procrastinators and the Prime Minister of Lazy.  How does one overcome a lifetime of underachievement?
Should I write to Dear Abby for advice?
Oh wait a minute!  Dear Abby is dead, isn't she?
Maybe I should just go buy a new pedometer :-)


  1. I don't think pedometers cost very much...

  2. Hi Cat!!!!! I didn't even know you had a blog! yay!

  3. I love hearing you are trying to eat properly all the time. Me too!! Very hard sometimes but I am working even harder at it.
