A test of whether public announcement of goals can implement actual completion of said goals. Is there hope for procrastinators?
Coming soon.....essays, poetry and maybe a short story or two as I try to get my writing mojo back.
Fitness log as I finish rehab on a fractured kneecap and try to re-lose the 20 pounds I re-gained after losing weight 2 years ago.
Trying to counter my whining and complaining with counting my blessings. I am doing a Facebook Fast and need an outlet for all the stuff I used to post on FB. Will try to make it more of a praise report than a whinefest.
An attempt to make my daughter teach me the ins and outs of managing a blog. She wants to learn how to make soap, so we will swap talents. I do worry about using lye around the grandboyz, especially asthmatic Cort who should not EVER breathe lye fumes, but maybe I can take an interesting new toy and convince them to stay in their rooms during the lye part.
I have two fall babies to knit for. Goal: Baby Surprise Jackets with hats and socks. Hope to add a blanket for Elaine's new grandboy.
Details on my declutter project as I attempt a grand plan to not be profiled on reality TV shows and get my home in order.
Resuming Flylady, a program that kept me sane during the homeschooling years when housework was the last thing on my list.
Last but not least, I hope to write the curriculum to the writing program that I designed and implemented with JOhn from second grade until he went to college. It is based on great literature, so it's a two for one deal. I know it works because John is such an excellent writer and loves to do it. I want to put it on the web for free use by homeschoolers. Too many try to get by on one income so Mom can be home educating the kids. This could be my way to bless those folks :-)
So now my goals are out here for all to see.
Just because this has never worked for me before does not mean it can't. Does it?
You have a lot of goals but I know you can do it!